3rd Spanish Young Statisticians and Operational Researchers Meeting (SYSORM)

Plenary Speakers

  • Ricardo Cao Abad

Ricardo Cao is full professor at the Universidade da Coruña (Spain) and the head of the Modelling, Optimization, and Statistical Inference group (MODES). His research interests cover nonparametric statistics, resampling methods, survival analysis, big data statistical analysis, credit risk, statistical methods in genomics and microbiology.

He is editor-in-chief of Journal of Nonparametric Statistics (since 2019), and has been editor-in-chief of TEST (2009–2012) and co-editor of Computational Statistics (2016–2018). He has also been associate editor of TEST (since 1996–2008; since 2019), Computational Statistics (2004–2016; since 2019), Journal of Nonparametric Statistics (2007–2018), and Computational Statistics & Data Analysis (2015–2018).

According to Scopus, he has published 120 documents, with an h-index equal to 22 and 1445 citations (accessed September 2021); according to Google Scholar, his h-index and number of citations raise to 33 and 3147, respectively (September 2021).

Among his publications, the contributions published in TEST (7), Computational Statistics and Data Analysis (6), Canadian Journal of Statistics (4), Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics (3), Annals of Statistics (1), Biometrika (1), Journal of the American Statistical Association (1), and Technometrics (1), could be highlighted.

He has supervised 14 research projects and 13 PhD theses.

  • Claudia D’Ambrosio
Claudia D’Ambrosio is CNRS research director and adjunct professor at École Polytechnique (France). Her research interests focus on mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP), mathematical programming, exact and heuristic methods for MINLP and real-world applications.
She is associate editor of EURO Journal on Computational Optimization (since 2020), Optimization Methods & Software (since 2016), Optimization and Engineering (since 2016) and 4OR – A Quaterly Journal of Operations Research (since 2014).
According to Scopus, she has published 58 documents, with an h-index equal to 13 and 1081 citations (accessed June 2022); according to Google Scholar, her h-index and number of citations raise to 19 and 2037, respectively (June 2022).
Among her publications, the contributions published in the European Journal of Operational Research (4), Mathematical Programming (2), Computers & Operations Research (2) and Transportation Science (1) could be highlighted.
She has been the principal investigator of many public and private funded research projects and supervised 7 PhD theses.
  • Frédéric Ferraty 

Frédéric Ferraty is full professor at Toulouse Jean Jaurès University and Toulouse Mathematics Institute (France). He is also the current head of the Computer Science and Mathematics Department at Toulouse Jean Jaurès University. His research interest focuses on high-dimensional statistics, functional data analysis, semi- and nonparametric modelling, parsimonious models, and massive datasets.

He has been associate editor of several scientific journals: Computational Statistics (2005–2012), Journal of Multivariate Analysis (2007–2016), Statistica Sinica (2008–2014), Electronic Journal of Statistics (2010–2016), Computational Statistics and Data Analysis (since 2016), and Econometrics and Statistics (since 2016).

According to Scopus, he has published 61 documents, with an h-index equal to 24 and 2206 citations (accessed November 2019); according to Google Scholar, his h-index and number of citations raise to 35 and 6793, respectively (November 2019).

Among his publications, the contributions published in Computational Statistics and Data Analysis (6), Journal of Multivariate Analysis (3), Statistica Sinica (2), Scandinavian Journal of Statistics (2), TEST (2), Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics (1) and Biometrika (1), could be highlighted.

He has supervised 8 PhD theses and several research projects in the last years.

  • Rubén Ruiz García 
Rubén Ruiz has been a full professor at Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain) and the head of the Applied Optimization Systems group (SOA) for over 20 years. He is now on leave of absence and working at Amazon Web Services (AWS) as a Principal Applied Scientist. His research interests focus on optimization, scheduling and routing problems, logistics, operations management, and metaheuristics.
He is editor-in-chief of Operations Research Perspectives and co-editor of European Journal of Industrial Engineering. He is also associate editor of several other journals and member of editorial boards.
According to Scopus, he has published 132 documents, with an h-index equal to 46 and 7935 citations (accessed June 2022); according to Google Scholar, his h-index and number of citations raise to 53 and 11695, respectively (June 2022).
Among his publications, the contributions published in the European Journal of Operational Research, Computers & Operations Research, Omega, International Journal of Production Research, International Journal of Production Economics, and Information Sciences could be highlighted.
He has been the principal investigator of 8 public funded research projects and supervised 7 PhD theses.




3rd Spanish Young Statisticians and Operational Researchers Meeting (SYSORM)